Parshah 23: Pekudei (Countings)

Pekudei | פקודי | "Countings" Torah: Exodus 38:21 - 40:38 Prophets: 1 Kings 8:1-21 Brit Hadasha: John 6:1-71; Revelation 15:5-8 Pekudei: Fridge Notes

Erev Shabbat

The Oxford's 707 Sunset, Socorro

@ The Oxford's Engagement Party for Jordan and Veva Dudle

Torah Study

The Oxford's 707 Sunset, Socorro

@ The Oxford's

Parshah 24: Vayikra (He Called)

Vayikra | ויקרא | "He Called" Torah: Leviticus 1:1 - 6:7 (5:26) Prophets: 1 Samuel 15:2-34; Isaiah 43:21 - 44:23 Brit Hadasha: Mark 7:1-30; Romans 8:1-13; Hebrews 10:1-18, 13:10-16 Vayikra: Fridge Notes