New Website

We’ve talked about getting a better website, so I spun up this WordPress site for us to play around with. If nothing else, it can serve as an intermediary if we decide to go with something else. The event calendar is the primary attraction — some of the features include the ability to subscribe to the calendar, etc. There is also some basic site navigation to include the teaching schedule, a Resources page, and a Media page. Some of the other things that could be worth looking into:

  • Deciding which resources we’d want to link to
  • Allowing only approved individuals sign up for accounts (to comment, etc.)
  • Testing out media uploads (audio, video, podcast, etc.)
  • (Maybe?) Google Docs integration for notes, etc.
  • Adding an Instagram feed for the Bible Studio
  • Having someone with a better eye for design try different themes/layouts, etc.
  • Figure out a name and have a proper DNS

I’ll create a few accounts for folks to be able to admin to play around with. We’d likely delete this post if/when someone started blogging.

Or, if we decide we want to go with something else entirely (e.g., Google site builder), this will at least give us a rough version that we can play around with to decide how we want to organize the actual website.

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3 Responses to New Website

  1. dackley says:

    Example of a comment. Again, we’d probably want to limit comments to approved accounts to prevent spam, defacement, etc.

  2. dackley says:

    Also note that we can embed the Dudle poll link into the events themselves.

  3. Lisa says:

    Great job! Thank you!

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