Torah Study

The Oxford's 707 Sunset, Socorro

Parshah 29:  Acharei mot

Sukkah Building

The Oxford's 707 Sunset, Socorro

Outdoors @Water Canyon 7am - Meet @Oxford's Gathering wood & branches to make SUKKAH Need: Trucks Saws Clippers Knifes Water, Hat, Gloves Etc Dudle Poll

Sukkot — Opening Celebration

The Oxford's 707 Sunset, Socorro

SUKKOT CELEBRATION Thanksgiving Pot-Luck 5pm Cocktails & Fellowship Teaching Thanksgiving Dinner Candle Lighting Worship Cake Dudle

Sukkot — Candy Sukkah Building

The Oxford's 707 Sunset, Socorro

Build Candy Sukkahs Beef Stick & Appetizers Bring foods to share Dudle